Card 9

Sealed Door

Value: 7
Secrets • Ravens • Books • Flame

Meanings: Delay, inaction, barriers, unchanging

The door holds more promise than a wall, but a sealed door is perhaps worse for the egress it suggests, and then denies. This barrier prevents us from moving forward. It is delay. Wasted time. A failed attempt. Still, a door with a keyhole suggests both the existence of a key, and something valuable on the other side.

Of course the door in the family of Secrets is sealed. It keeps the secrets safe. The implication, of course, is that great discoveries lie on the other side. If you can only get there.

Divination: Generally a card of ill omen, the Sealed Door stands in the way of victory. It keeps one from a goal. Since progression always involves change, it can, however, simply mean that things don’t change. And if one is in a good place when this card is turned, that can indicate that the pleasing situation will continue.

Game Narrative: An attempted action fails. A path is blocked. An NPC fails or takes no action. Nothing changes.

Joy: The PC’s spell lasts longer than expected. An NPC that was going to leave does not. A barrier holds back an enemy.

Despair: An important action fails. An enemy is better protected than expected.

He wept at the barrier. It bested him as surely as any warrior.