Card 22

Eternal Mountain

Value: 4
Visions • Swans • Blades • Water

Meanings: Unchanging, solitude, memory, eternal, long life

The mountain stands alone and unchanging. It always has and it always will. Some find this compelling. Others, terrifying. The mountain sees all and never forgets what it has seen.

Eternal Mountain is the location card of the Visions family.

Divination: A challenge that lies ahead is insurmountable. Conversely, if one is on the defense, one can weather any storm, any assault, or any ill fate. Eternal Mountain in general predicts a long life, but it can also suggest that one should move forward alone, particularly to better reflect upon the past.

Game Narrative: A structure or object remains strong and intact. An NPC of great age becomes involved. An NPC will not be changed. Someone remembers something important.

Joy: The PC recalls an important fact (this might be new information to the player). An NPC ally pledges eternal fidelity.

Despair: Something the PC would like to destroy or overcome remains inviolable. The PC is left all alone by their friends.

We all hope and dread to reach the Eternal Mountain one day.