Card 25

Enticing Jewel

Value: 2
Visions • Swans • Blades • Water

Meanings: Greed, money, beauty, goals, success

The light at the end of the tunnel. The brass ring. The center of the target. The object of our desire lies before us in the form of the Enticing Jewel. We want it. We have to have it. It represents beauty, but the side of beauty that demands attention and probably possession. It is the beauty that can sometimes call to our darker natures. It brings out greed, ambition, and selfishness.

Divination: When the Enticing Jewel is turned, everything focuses upon it. Most of the time, this is one of the most positive cards that can be revealed. It indicates success in one’s endeavor. It suggests beauty and wealth. At the very least, even if not actual success, the Enticing Jewel is the potential for success, which in itself can be encouraging (because sometimes there is no possibility for success). Still, the card has a darker side, because it also suggests greed and a love of wealth, and the dangers of such things.

Game Narrative: Someone succeeds at a major goal. Something or someone of great physical beauty enters the scene. An NPC possessing great wealth becomes involved. An NPC obtains (or desires) an object of great value.

Joy: The PC succeeds at a major undertaking, perhaps not through their own actions. The PC obtains something of great beauty or value.

Despair: An NPC foe succeeds at a goal. Something the PC desires remains out of reach, perhaps because they are too driven by greed.

It shines in the darkness, its beauty mocking me. Its absence from my possession is a wrong that must be righted.