Card 38

Endless Woods

Value: 3
Mysteries • Rats • Mirrors • Stone

Meanings: Sounds, nature, mysteries, the dark side of the forces of life

The woods and the wilderness are untamed and unsafe. Travel through them is perilous. We hear things all around us that we cannot see. Trees and undergrowth conceal dangers and—perhaps—wonders. The Endless Woods is the location card of the Mysteries family, and rightfully so, for it is the very home to the unknown and perhaps the unknowable.

Divination: Nature plays a role in what’s about to happen. That can be good or bad, depending on the context. For one about to embark on a journey, this is likely a dire card turn. For someone staying put, the Endless Woods can be protective and even nurturing. The card can also suggest that something is happening that one doesn’t yet know about—a mystery just at the edge of hearing like the whisper of a voice or the rustle of undergrowth.

Game Narrative: Someone gets lost in the woods or wilderness. The forces of nature—weather, plague, living creatures—cause an incident. A mysterious event occurs. A significant event happens in an unknown land.

Joy: Nature smiles upon the PC, bringing good weather, a fortuitous animal encounter, and so on. The PC finds their way out of a situation.

Despair: The PC is distracted by a mysterious sound. The forces of nature make the PC’s life more difficult.

Take even a step into those dark woods and you’ll never find your way back.