Card 45


Value: 9
Mysteries • Rats • Mirrors • Stone

Meanings: Parental figure, sight, alertness, observation, knowledge

The wisdom that comes from taking the time to observe and contemplate before acting cannot be overstated. The Watcher watches. He observes from afar, assessing and contemplating. He records what he sees and analyzes the data. He remains ever vigilant from his vantage point. Nothing slips by his eternal gaze.

The sovereign of Mysteries, the Watcher is a father figure. He shares his knowledge with those close to him, and advises those he deems worthy.

Divination: The Watcher card indicates that one must pay close attention. Often, the next card turned suggests exactly what they should pay attention to, but other times it is a more general guideline: stay alert! The Watcher presages the involvement of a parent or parental figure, particularly in the context of imparting wisdom or knowledge. It is often considered a positive card for this reason.

Game Narrative: A parent becomes a prominent figure. A watchperson catches a criminal in the act. Something amazing is seen. Secret knowledge is the key to a significant problem or challenge.

Joy: The PC notices something vital. The PC’s area of expertise turns out to be extremely helpful in a given situation. Someone imparts crucial information to the PC.

Despair: Something terrible happens to the PC’s parent. An NPC sees through the PC’s attempts at stealth or deception. The PC does not have the knowledge they need.

The movements of the stars are the thoughts of God given motion.