Card 60


Value: 8
Notions • Cats • Clocks • Wind

Meanings: Nature, death, conflict, survival, seeking
 a goal

The Hunter is a lonely soul, pursuing prey with dogged tenacity. Their single-minded dedication is why they are successful in tracking, confronting, and killing their prey. The Hunter knows better than anyone that it is “kill or be killed” in the harsh world we live in. In the city, we pretend civilization has lifted us above such things, but the Hunter travels into the wilderness where no such delusions exist. But that’s not to say that there aren’t hunters in cities. On the contrary, there are hunters who prey upon people. Sometimes these hunters seek murder, but some hunt with other goals, just as dark.

The Hunter is the adept of Notions. Her skills in the wilds, and her knowledge of her prey and the best way to bring it down, make her the match for any vislae.

Divination: This is the perfect card for one pursuing a goal. The Hunter suggests that vigilance and persistence will win the day. However, if one isn’t actively seeking something, this card turn can portend conflict and even death.

Game Narrative: Important events occur in the wilderness. An NPC is murdered. A group of people struggle to survive against the environment. A large-scale conflict occurs. An NPC is single-mindedly pursuing a goal.

Joy: The PC achieves their goal. The PC survives a significant threat. Nature smiles upon the PC, so the weather and other conditions are favorable to their needs.

Despair: Someone or something stalks the PC. The PC finds conflict where they were not expecting it. Nature is unkind to the PC, and the surrounding conditions make things much harder for them. An NPC ally is murdered.

A hunter in the Ticking Forest very likely seeks errix hounds. Or they seek her.